Friday, January 6, 2012

My Artistic Journey

Wow it's been a while since I have updated ... I wouldn't say I was lazy, but my priorities have taken me in different directions.

As you may or may not know my word for the year is Style.  Its not related to my fashion sense, but rather my artistic style. I currently feel like I don't have one ... but I know I really do, its hiding in the recesses of my being and it needs to be revealed!

One of the ways I'm attempting to uncover this is by reading "The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron

I am apart of a Facebook group working through the book and while we are not meeting in person its great to have the virtual support, be able to share our thoughts and have accountability. I'm not sure if I could work my way though it all on my own :)   

Another adventure I am taking on is designing my mom and her fiance's wedding invitations. I'm a bit anxious about this because this is a bit out of my element. I do have some ideas so when one is finalized it will be sent off to the printer.  Oh and they are getting married the end of April!! YIKES!!!  What a journey I'm on!

What helped you find your artistic style?
What kinds of adventures are you taking?


  1. Julie...My word for 2012 is Creativity, but I, like you, am working towards developing a style and signature. I am taking How to Paint a Girl (thanks to you), and I plan on playing all this year to give my own unique style a chance to emerge.

  2. I'm so glad you'll be in the class! How fun!

  3. That's so cool that you are in that FB group. I'm geared up to read my Chapter 2 today at some point. Sundays are my "me" day. Good luck with the invitations and bravo for doing something so out of your comfort zone. I don't know about adventures, but I'm taking two art classes. How to Paint A Girl (are you taking it?), and Flora Bowley's e-course. I'm FREAKING excited about both :)

  4. Used to fret a lot about style, since my work seems all over the board. But if I don't make the thing that's hollering to be made I'm not happy--so style sorta has to fly out the window. (I liked the book Art and Fear. It addresses style--and other art stuff--in a helpful way.) Oh--and thanks for your kind words on my blog--I really appreciated them :)


Penny for your thoughts ... leave a comment, I would love to hear from you!